Party Armband BeVo example – DAF
Stock No. 72933
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Extremely desirable NSDAP armband complete with correct RZM “blue” paper label This NSDAP party members armband is a less common variant with no damage or repairs, , in mint condition. What defines this armband is the DAF stamp to the front.
BeVo is a term used by collectors to refer to a style of silk embroidery common in German WW II badges. The name itself comes from the BeVo-Wuppertal firm (though they were not the only firm to produce this type of embroidery during WW II, the name has stuck among collectors.) Be stands for Beteilingung, or “partnership” in English, Vo is short for Vorsteher. The firm BeVo-Wuppertal came into being when the firms of Lucas Vorsteher and Ewelda Vorsteher amalgamated; both came from the Wuppertal-Bermen area.