71979 Forestry stickpin
£25Yellow Bakelite stickpin with bronzed acorn in the centre, very unusual. The pin is straight and...
more info71981 1st May 1938 Tinnie
£151st May 1938 Richard Sieper und sohne, Ludensheid. Fine condition with functional pin and...
more info71952 RLB Tinnie
£15Die stamped steel tinnie luftschutz RLB donation pin. 99% of the black paint remains intact, with only one shallow...
more info70320 3rd Reich Period Boot Polish
£25Unopened tin of boot polish made in Austria/ Wein
more info71900 National League of Former Soldiers membership pin
£25In silvered bronze with red and black enamel detailing. Marked Gente, Berlin and Ges Gesch to the reverse. 2...
more info71878 Deutsch ist die Saar 1934
£25Refers to the Saar basin referendum, in which 90% of its inhabitants chose reunification with Germany as opposed...
more info71867 Day of work tinnie/day badge
£15Gustav Brehmer Markneukirchen 1935 in very good, clean...
more info71805 KVK ribbon bar
£8KVK ribbon bar on felt back with functional pin, in good clean...
more info71795 Kriegsmarine boatswain badge
£15A very good condition uniform removal, thread still...
more info71757 Motor transport trade patch
£20An early Gothic letter G in yellow thread on dark wool backing, 55x55mm good condition with only minor signs of...
more info71746 Luftwaffe signals collar patch
£20Single Luftwaffe signals oberleutnant, moths have snacked somewhat on the lower left...
more info71742 EK2 ribbon
£8Ek2 ribbon in original unissued ribbon, 6 inches long. Free 1st class postage to the UK...
more info71738 HJ Sports events badge
£25Plastic HJ Sports events badge. Clearly marked Hoffstatter Bonn on the...
more info71725 Medical personnel trade patch
£12Medical personnel trade patch. Yellow thread on wool backing. 55X55...
more info71704 3 piece ribbon bar
£203 piece ribbon bar. EK2, Hamburg Hanseatic cross, Hindenburg honour cross with swords. Mounted on metal...
more info71436 WHW Soldaten der Armee – Soldiers Of The Army. März 1938.
£12Coloured porcelain figurine: DJ...
more info71386 Fest Der Deutschen Schule – BDA Tinnie
£18Silvered finish, marked on the pin back A.BUX Stuttgart
more info71326 Feldpost Postcard
£10This is a field post postcard, designed to be sent from the front – to home, quite a rare...
more info71242 Rank Chevron
£18Beautiful rank chevron with wartime tress and edged in green cord. Un-worn...
more info71161 KM Hoheitsabzeichen – Kreigsmarine Cap Eagle
£15Nice uncut Navy – blue cap eagle in the BeVo style – Being sold as Repro – It...
more info70399 Award for the Collection of Metal
£22A little gem of an award, given for the collection of metal, in order to help the war effort. Nice unusual award
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