Patriotic Recruiting Poster

Stock No. 70230

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An inspiring and striking poster of a lone German Soldier in Early field kit, standing upright  and looking out across the land. The Text reads in German:

Der dem Tod ins Angesicht schauen kann, der Soldat allein ist der freie Mann:

Translated it reads:

He can look death in the face. The soldier alone is the free man.

These  inspiring  words were taken from Friedrich Schiller’s

From the Wallenstein.
Friedrich Schiller was a well known  German poet and philosopher (1759-1805)
The poster is made of paper, measures approx 17 inches x 22 inches and has a few nips and very small holes in the corner, where it has obviously been “pinned” at some time. The paper does not glow and is, I believe a 100% period poster