Firemans Dress Axe – With Belt & Hangers
Stock No. 70938
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Some of these I have seen in the past are quite elaborately engraved and dedicated – It is impossible to date these items as the style was used from the turn of the century up until the 1950’s – much like KM items.
These “dress items” were not adorned with swastika’s or fancy frills – so with this – you have to make your own mind up on. Personally believe this to be a pre-war piece. Real – without a doubt- but wartime? I do not know, however It has leather hangers – and post war they were not leather – they were plastic. The fasteners have the roller type buckles that were only prevalent in the mid to late 30′s
The belt has a stamp – the axe will hang from the belt. It is an inexpensive “trinket” that is not often encountered