72777 — Hitler Youth Postdam Badge by F. Hoffstätter 1932
A HJ Postdam-Abzeichen 1932 by F. Hoffstätter of Bonn. The Postdam Badge, instituted September 1932, was issued...
more info72779 — HJ Kreissieger Award 1938
This is a fantastic, not to be “bettered” mint example of the Kreissieger Award dated for the 1938. The...
more info72720 — Miniature DJ Proficiency Badge
Small DJ badge no markings suffering from a little “zinc pest” priced...
more info72725 — DJ Marksman’s Badge
Slight enamel loss to the rune and priced accordingly marked on the rear RZM M1/52 – Deschler & Sohn Munich....
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