72751 — Schwerin High Seas Fleet Badge

Die-struck tombak badge, with excellent gold gilt coverage. It is marked clearly to the rear with the Adolf Bock...

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72739 — M35 Re-Issue Combat Helmet With Thick Overpaint

This is a re-issue M35 Combat Helmet, with a thick dark green overpaint covering all of the helmet. There is a...

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72662 — M38 Panzer O/R – NCO Cap

A nice condition M.38 Grey / Green Panzer overseas cap. pipped in pink for Panzer troops, and with the correct...

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72665 — Extremely large Grouping to a RAD Woman

Here is a large grouping to a woman who served the Reich. From early on she was a BDM member – then joined the...

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72535 — Anti-Jewish Postcard “The Eternal Jew”

Extremely rare and highly collectable Anti Jewish Postcard   This was a special issue postcard for the...

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70241 — Large HJ Grouping “Cited and published”

A rare opportunity to own a large Hitler Youth Grouping to one boy. Fabulous set publish in Phillip Bakers volume...

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72363 — Podium Banner – Great Size!

A very nice display sized podium banner. The banner measures approx. 4 feet long and 2 ½ feet wide. Tassels along...

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72542 — Large sized lithograph print of Adolph Hitler,

This is a large sized lithograph print of Adolph Hitler, with an autopen signature at the bottom of the white...

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72531 — Die Liegreichen Fahnen und Standarten der Deutschen Wehrmacht” -The victorious flags and standard of the German Wehrmacht

We try to bring the collector different items- some of the cards in this complete set are selling for over £200...

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71908 — A pair of well-researched Battle of Britain JU88 pilot citations for a documented event

Citation 1: October medal with Prague bar on 1st October 1939, signed by Luftwaffe-Lehr division Geschwader Dr...

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72460 — Ringkragen “Feldgendarmerie” Gorget.

Beautiful example of the famed Police Gorget.   Stamped, five piece, magnetic sheet metal construction with...

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72589 — M40 Single Decal Army Combat Helmet

A superior example of a solid M40 single decal Army Helmet. Heavy gauged steel by Quist who were renowned for...

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72619 — M40 Luftwaffe Combat Helmet

Stunning example of a single decal Luftwaffe M40 combat helmet in near perfect condition. The shell retains all of...

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70642 — Cited & Published SD M42 Combat Helmet

An M42 single decal that was definitely a combat helmet and published in the Branislav Radovic Collection...

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71449 — 3rd Reich – Für Besondere Leistungen In Der Tierzucht -Medallion with Original Case

This is a bronzed  table medallion is a decent sized  - 65mm  -  It was awarded for special achievements in...

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72547 — Early Waffen-ϟϟ belt buckle & Belt in nickel silver by Overhoff & Cie

 Beautiful example which would be impossible to upgrade from, about as mint as they get -  Early buckle in...

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72411 — Extremely large medal and awards grouping to Unteroffizier Wilhelm Schreiber ,

I will not split this grouping up! I would imagine his Soldbuch & WP are somewhere, but what we have here is...

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72580 — SA Dagger Paul Seilheimer Solingen.

This Early SA Dagger is in incredible condition. It’s a gorgeous piece. It is also manufactured by a rare maker,...

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72587 — 3rd Reich Reichs Parteitag Nurnberg- Commemorative Postcard

A fine example of the coloured Hoffmann Reichs Parteitag commemorative card with central figure of Adolf Hitler...

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72372 — Reichsparteitage Porcelain Plate

This is a scarce plate, one that does not appear very often.   Reichsparteige Nuremberg plate by the firm of...

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72294 — Afrika Belt & Buckle *Minty*

This is an exceptional Afrika set, with the buckle retaining almost all of the original green factory paint....

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72269 — Küstenartillerie Feldmütze für Mannschaften – Named Coastal Artillery Em/Nco’s Overseas Cap.

As Marine coastal caps go – this is one of the best we have come across – totally original and un-messed...

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72368 — ϟϟ Steel Buckle complete with correct late war Belt

A very nice late war Waffen- ϟϟ belt buckle made by Overhoff & Cie, Lüdenscheid. These buckles were made...

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72499 — M18 – Transitional 3rd Reich Combat Helmet with Manoeuvres Band

This is a no decal transitional combat helmet that is about as original as they come. Either it has never had...

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71514 — Wehrmacht Heer Koppel und Koppelschloß – Army Officer’s Dress Brocade Belt & Buckle

An extremely fine example of a Wehrmacht Officer’s brocade dress belt, constructed of woven strands of silver...

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72087 — rare Elastolin SA Flagbearer

German 1930s toy of an SA Brownshirt marching with the NSDAP flag. The paint is all original and 99.9% intact....

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72360 — Flak-Kampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe – Luftwaffe flak badge by Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid.

This is the heavy 2 piece Zinc example with 99.9% of its original factory finish with no repairs, and no damage,...

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72576 — Army Officer’s Dagger with Portepee & Hangers

This set has very good to excellent condition nickel fittings overall, withthe desired orange grip with no chips...

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72577 — Second Pattern Luftwaffe dagger by WKC Solingen

An attractive example with the favoured deep orange coloured grip with twisted aluminium wire. The wire is...

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72560 — Re-Issue No Decal M35 Combat Helmet

This is a beautiful un-messed with top shelf re-issue M35 without a decal. The re-issue paint is almost 100%...

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